The most infected regions have been marked with detailed statistical information in regards to the affected victims, their gender and age group and their financial status.
Although the information used for this project was attained from http://www.avert.org, I have also posted videos, courtesy to www.youtube.com which provide further detail of the mystery of the disease and the absence of information we have about it.

This project aided my understanding of neogeography as I personally experienced the excitement and possibilities of making my own map. Throughout the making of this map, I diligently utilized the internet as my tour guide. I found neogeography to be empowering for both mind and soul, respectively, because I was simultaneously intellectually and artistically challenged. Google maps’ pre-existing map was extremely easy to navigate and manipulate.
I think neogeography makes the world more accessible and homey since all have the potential to include their personal experiences, opinions, and essentially guide others to their favorite spots. It’s a door to people’s somewhat private lives as one may see the world of a total stranger and consequently map out his/her experience to make a new map. In this way, no longer do we have to be experts in order to take a vacation to Yosemite National Park; all we need is Google Maps and the help of some distant friends who are generous and willing to show us all the best camping spots, hikes and waterfalls.
With my project, I think neogeography can be taken much further as an educational tool for various age groups, social classes and so forth. I chose to map out the beginning of the worst epidemic in the twenty-first century precisely to test this theory. Although it may not be perfect, my map can quickly orient the viewer and give her/him a visual perspective where in the world HIV was contracted and how the spread began geographically. However, I also think that a pitfall could be interpreted even from a simple map as mine since I am no expert on this issue and, although I stayed within what I believe to be credible sources, have little authority to educate anyone beside myself.
Overall, neogeography is useful to much of the population because a map made by an amateur, like myself, is usually easier to read and more accessible than a map made by a professional, such as a topographic map. In the educational realm and business world, these maps could also prove useful as medical researchers and CEOs, bankers to church officials could all apply their knowledge of a given piece of land to educate or aid their fellow colleagues or the greater community.
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